Manolin measures performance for more than 100 farm products

New product analysis reports reveal how farmers' input choices are affecting growth and mortality rates, disease profiles, appetite, and more.
It's becoming increasingly expensive to farm fish.
Salmon production costs have more than doubled since 2012, mostly driven by the cost of farm inputs. The cost of feed, comprising between 50 and 70% of total production cost, reached an all-time high in 2021. Costs related to lice treatment are rising at an even higher rate.
Farmers have little insight into which feeds will give them the most return. It's difficult to calculate the impact each lice treatment has on farm performance. And vaccine effectiveness is not well-documented.
Now, Manolin is bringing transparency to these farm input decisions.
We developed performance metrics for some of the most commonly used products in the industry including treatments, lasers, feed, vaccines, eggs, and roe.
Our product analysis reports reveal how farmers' input choices are affecting growth and mortality rates, disease profiles, appetite, and more. This includes the product's current performance as well as its forecasted impact.
Get access to input benchmarking, including more than 100 farm products in our system, through Manolin's newest membership tier.