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Norwegian 15-Year-Old Develops Comprehensive Global Salmon Farm Map with Manolin for Work Week

Manolin recently had the pleasure of working with 15-year-old Kåre Høgset during his "work week" project. This initiative, part of Norway's educational system, allows students to gain real-world experience by working with companies in their field of interest.


Kåre approached Manolin with a desire to do something new and exciting that would push his abilities and result in a tangible product for the company and its customers. From the start, Kåre impressed the Manolin team with his extensive backend coding knowledge. Recognizing his potential, the team aimed to make him feel proud of his work.

The project that immediately stood out was the development of the best up-to-date global salmon farm map available online. Tony Chen, CEO of Manolin, commented, "While you can find maps of salmon farm locations online, there is no comprehensive data available that merges all of these together. As we build industry leading risk models for aquaculture farmers, it’s crucial for us to be able to access data from as many farm conditions as possible across the entire world. We knew Kåre had the skills to make a new and improved map a reality for the industry."

This project was a perfect fit for Kåre, whose parents both have experience in the aquaculture industry. It offered a unique opportunity to combine his technical skills with a topic close to his family's professional background. Kåre was enthusiastic about the project, noting, "This project was exciting because it allowed me to tackle real-world data challenges and learn alongside Manolin's CTO, John Costantino."

In just five days, Kåre aggregated multiple data sets from around the world and created a clean, smooth, and comprehensive interactive map of global salmon farms. His impressive work on the project received high praise from the team. John Costantino, CTO of Manolin, remarked, "For Kåre, being 15 years old and able to tackle the challenges he did is extremely impressive. We are very proud of the work he's accomplished and are honored to continue expanding on the map in the future."

Manolin is proud to support educational initiatives like Norway's "work week" and provide young talents with opportunities to make a meaningful impact. Kåre's work is a testament to the incredible potential that young people possess and the exciting future of the aquaculture industry.

To view Kåre's project visit Manolin’s website here.